NCTA: A Winning Attitude

NCTA: A Winning Attitude

Accolades just keep rolling in for students and staff at the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture, and I couldn’t be more proud of their collective dedication.  We measure the quality of our students and their academic programs a number of ways but one of those measurements is how well our students do in academic competitions when they go head-to-head against students from other colleges. NCTA students frequently lead the pack in these activities.
These competitions are an important tool for accelerating student learning.  A well-developed contest helps students focus on important aspects of the curriculum and the competition keeps students motivated.
There is also an important social aspect to these activities. Groups of students travel to these contests with faculty mentors. They spent many hours together on the road practicing and competing. The camaraderie that develops is an important part of a healthy social life for our students. These trips provide our faculty with an opportunity to teach students about manners, social etiquette, teamwork and leadership.
Over this weekend, I learned of competition results for three of our traveling teams.  I’d like to recap some highlights plus some other recent recognition for the institution:
Crops Judging:
The NCTA crops judging team kicked off the season earning First Place Team at Iowa State University with Dr. Brad Ramsdale, coach. The team of second-year crops students included Nolan Breece of Holdrege, Dalton Johnson of Gering, Aaron Jensen of Goehner, and Ross Steward of Littleton, Colo.  Steward won First Place Individual and Jensen was Third Place.  Five first-year students also judged but are not eligible for prizes in the first year.
Ranch Horse Team:
Coach Joanna Hergenreder and four of the Ranch Horse team members from the 2015 season brought home year-end awards following a Saturday banquet of the CoWN Stock Horse Association. Top honors went to Hanna Christenson of Ord, Drake Johnson of Thurston, Makayla Forsythe of Garland, and Patrick Zochol, NCTA graduate originally from Alliance, who is now an assistant horse trainer at Bennington.
Livestock Judging:
Two Aggie Livestock Judging Teams won 8th and 9th places overall at the 2016 Iowa Beef Expo. High-placing NCTA judge was Emilye Vales of DeWitt who won 8th overall individual and earned 50 of 50 points on a set of oral reasons.  Bailey Hinrichs of Ayr scored a 49 on one set of reasons. Dr. Doug Smith is their coach.
Faculty Awards:
Congratulations to six faculty recently recognized by the UNL Parent’s Association for having an outstanding positive impact on students:  Jo Bek, Tee Bush, Mary Rittenhouse, Judy Bowmaster-Cole, Brad Ramsdale and Joanna Hergenreder.
NCTA named in Top 150 in the United States:
NCTA has been named by the Aspen Institute as among the nation’s Top 150 two year colleges due to the quality of its instruction and the success of its students.
Cattlemen’s Classic:
NCTA students are proud to be a part of the 25th anniversary events of the Cattlemen’s Classic salute to the cattle industry this week in Kearney.  Look for the NCTA exhibits at the booth#26 in the Ag Pavilion at the Buffalo County Fairgrounds.  Happy anniversary Cattlemen’s Classic!
NCTA is a small, family-like campus of caring individuals who share unified goals and mutual respect.  It is indeed my pleasure to work with such talented colleagues and dedicated students.
Upcoming NCTA Events:
Feb. 20 – NCTA Public Stock Dog Clinic and Trials, LTC Arena
Feb. 20 – 4-H Market Beef Weigh In, NCTA Red Barn
Feb. 23 – Chili Taste-Off, Vet Tech Complex
Feb. 23 – Master Gardener Webinar, Ag Hall
Feb. 25 - Laura Stage, Germany, Public Forum, Ed Center

NCTA Mission:
The Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture is devoted to a statewide mission of preparing students for successful careers in agriculture, veterinary technology, food and related industries. The college provides open access to innovative technical education resulting in associate degrees, certificates, diplomas and other credentials.