Dean's Council Minutes - August 27, 2015

Dean's Council Minutes Thursday, August 27, 2015


Ron Rosati, Scott Mickelsen, Glenn Jackson, Eric Reed, Brad Ramsdale (absent), Dottie Evans, Doug Smith (absent), Barb Berg, Jennifer McConville (absent), Mary Rittenhouse, Catherine Hauptman (recorder)

The NCTA Dean’s Council Meeting was called to order at 12:04 p.m. with the above referenced individuals in attendance.


  • Dr. Rosati welcomed everyone to the meeting


  • Barb moved to accept minutes as written, Glenn 2nd, motion carried


  • The Dean’s Council went over the minutes with Ron from the Dean’s Council retreat.
  • Mary moved to accept the minutes, Eric 2nd, motion carried


  • The international mission and value statement was reviewed by the Dean’s Council. These have been approved by Academic Council and executive staff thus far.
  • Eric expressed his concerns on how the statements are worded. Scott expressed the importance of the statements that the international students need to feel that the mission is inclusive for all peoples.
  • Scott suggested bullet pointing the value statements and not numbering so as to not prioritize or rank in importance.
  • Under values it will add “and related disciplines” under the “at NCTA we value”
  • Eric moved to accept the international mission and value statements as amended, Mary 2nd, motion carried.


  • Ron asked for volunteers for the diversity committee. Mo, Tina, Judy, Jennifer, and Tee volunteered to be on the committee.
  • Scott suggested that we have a student on the committee and submitted the name of a student from Wisconsin. If she declines, another student will be asked to participate.
  • Diversity is more than international students including ethnicities, languages and lifestyles.
  • The student senate president was suggested as always being a member.
  • Ron will form the committee with the above referenced. Jennifer will be the chair.


  • The Dean’s Council reviewed and evaluated the orientation weekend activities.
  • A suggestion included creating a morning shift, and afternoon shift, for those helping to move students into the residence halls.
  • Another suggestion was to evaluate the bookstore. The small space creates challenges for everyone. Suggestions included asking students to come in individually and to offer longer hours for processing requests and store hours.
  • One concern is cost of books, and why some textbooks are quite expensive
    • The Council asked for evaluation and to address this concern.
    • There were some parking issues and Scott is addressing those.
    • Overall, the weekend was a success. Ron thanked everyone for their help.


  • The Dean’s Council discussed any start-up issues with the semester
  • Glenn mentioned many students were having issues getting on the WiFi network.
    • Justin has been in the library all weekend and this week to help with issues.
    • Also, he distributed an instruction sheet over orientation weekend for WiFi.
    • Scott will obtain the step-by-step packet from Justin again. Glenn will review and it may be updated for 2016 to avoid issues.
    • Students are able to attend class for the first two weeks and must address any issues with their enrollment and obtain their books within that timeframe.
    • Vet Tech has copies of its text books in the library for students unable to obtain their individual book at the beginning of classes. Other departments are urged to do the same.
    • The next Council meeting will consider adding sections to large classes.
    • Jennifer will follow up with Cindy on cost of books at the bookstore.


  • NCTA is aligned with most schools in Nebraska as far as dorm rates, but higher than most states around Nebraska. It would be a challenge to justify increasing NCTA’s rates.
  • Suggestions were reviewed for encouraging students to live in the dorms:
    • Require traveling team members to live on campus
    • Require students on academic probation to live on campus
    • This issue will continue discussion by the Deans.


  • The Emergency Plan will be added to the next Council agenda


  • This topic will be reviewed by Jennifer at the next Council meeting.


  • Dottie gave the update of accreditation and distributed the evidence data needed yet, plus distributed the staff and faculty handbooks.


  • Dottie asked Division chairs to provide her with internship information for review.
  • The internship contract was standardized throughout campus.
  • Dottie asked the Chairs to provide their policies and assessment for internships.


  • A 50th  year celebration is tentatively planned for November, 2015.
  • Ron proposed a committee for the observance.
  • This event will be reviewed at the next Dean’s Council meeting.


  • Dean’s Council reviewed the classroom policy a final time.
  • Barb suggested working state “last day or two of classes for finals.”
  • Eric moved to adopt the classroom policies as amended, 2nd  by Mary, motion carried.


  • Some offices are relocating by the end of the year. Mary R. will remain in the current office in the AMS suite, Tee will move to the General Education suite, Ruth will move to a larger office on third floor.


  • NCTA is purchasing a combine for about $64,000 to replace the old machine.
  • The Dean’s Council approved the purchase, understanding the very tight budget.


  • Glenn would like to see us post our on campus jobs to the website to make available for students to view.
    • This will be further discussed at Dean’s Council next week.

 The Dean’s Council adjourned at 1:16 P.M. The next meeting will be September 11 at 10:00 AM.
