Dean's Council Minutes - February 4, 2016

Dean's Council Minutes Thursday, February 4, 2016


Ron Rosati, Glenn Jackson, Eric Reed, Brad Ramsdale, Dottie Evans, Jennifer McConville, Doug Smith(absent), Barb Berg, Mary Rittenhouse, Catherine Hauptman (recorder), Shane Hoer (guest), Tina Smith (guest), Mark Gardner (guest)

The NCTA Dean’s Council meeting was called to order at 12:00 p.m. with the above referenced individuals in attendance.


  • Dr. Ron Rosati welcomed Dean’s Council members to the meeting



  • Eric Reed moved to accept the minutes as written; Barb Berg 2nd, motion carried.



  • Tina Smith updated the Dean’s Council on her meeting with the Enrollment Committee.
  • The direction and priorities presented from Enrollment Committee was well received.  Ideas include: review and adjust programming, dual credit program updates, encourage dual credit high school students to transition to the NCTA campus as college students, and retention of enrolled students.
  • Currently, NCTA has 143 applications for fall semester, compared to 119 at this time a year ago. Recruiters are very encouraged with this positive status.
    • NCTA’s current application fee is $25. NU President Bounds and the Board of Regents have initiated a common application fee of $45.
    • Tina reported she has been working on this project for several months. It will allow future students to apply for all University campuses with one application. 
  • Tina will attend Dean’s Council the first Thursday of each month with an update on Enrollment and Recruitment. 



  • Shane Hoer, Student Senate president, updated Dean’s Council.
  • Discussions include: adding more student activities on campus, community service and fundraising such as spaghetti feed; improved lighting on campus and potential for student assistance for campus security. 
  • Shane will provide a Student Senate report to the Dean’s Council monthly on the first Thursday. 



  • Mark Gardner, Staff Senate chair, updated Dean’s Council on the Staff Senate that has begun for all NCTA faculties and staff at NCTA.
  • Jan Gilbert is the vice chair and Laura Romeo is the secretary. 
  • Mark Gardner will attend Dean’s council the first Thursday of every month to update on Staff Senate. 



  • Dr. Rosati debriefed the Council on the recent weather emergency at campus. 
  • The Deans executed the NCTA Emergency Management Plan. 
  • Jennifer is exploring email and text alerts for emergency situations
  • Shane Hoer suggested a parking plan for vehicles in case of snow removal. 
  • All suggestions will be taken to the Emergency Plan Committee to incorporate. When completed, the Plan will be finalized by Dean’s Council.



  • Dottie Evans addressed accreditation and archiving of all NCTA meeting minutes. Minutes should be stored for easy access by all faculty and staff, and long-term retrieval for future reference. The best place to accomplish this is the Common Drive. 
  • Dottie and Dr. Rosati propose placing all committee and council minutes for the 26 entities on the Common Drive. Meeting minutes for Statewide Advisory, Dean’s Council, Budget Committee, and Community Advisory will also be posted on the NCTA website.  
    • Dr. Rosati asked Dottie and Tina to further discuss minutes on the website. 
  • Dottie reminded the Council a campus open forum will be Wednesday Feb. 24 at 3:30 p.m. to discuss with faculty and staff the Accreditation Assurance Argument document.   



  • Any changes that faculty have to the faculty workloads form are due to Jennifer.
  • This issue will be discussed when there is more time at the next Dean’s Council.



  • Mary Rittenhouse updated AMS course approval forms. She will bring them to Academic Council on Feb. 9.



  • Dr. Rosati would like each division and department within NCTA to provide a strategic plan to him by the end of February. 



  • Dr. Rosati would like the bookstore to approve purchase of any text book that costs students over $75 for purchase with the Dean’s office.
  • Jennifer McConville will follow up with Cindy Fritsche on how much text books are being marked up in the NCTA bookstore from their purchase price.
  • Jennifer will need to work with the NCTA bookstore to draft a policy for text book costs and bring to Dean’s council to finalize.



  • Dr. Rosati distributed information on a Farm Succession seminar to be in North Platte on Feb. 9. He encouraged faculty to tell their students about the free workshop.   


The meeting was adjourned at 1:25 P.M. The next meeting will be Thursday, Feb. 11

at 12 p.m. in the Ag Hall Conference room.
