NCTA Aggie Rodeo athletes warm up with a roping dummy at Mill Park in Curtis before riding horseback. The Aggies are hosting a 10-week Round Robin Team Roping series each Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. (Photo by Annie Bassett / NCTA News)
Aggie Rodeo Team to host Team Roping Series Friday, September 3, 2021

Season opens Sept. 10-11 at Wisconsin

By Mary Crawford, NCTA News

The NCTA Rodeo Team kicks off its Fall 2021 season Sept. 10-11 at River Falls, Wisconsin in collegiate competition hosted by the University of Wisconsin-River Falls.

Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture rodeo athletes also launch a new activity at home with the 2021 Round Robin Team Roping Series, to occur each Tuesday from Sept. 7 to Nov. 9.

Read Aggie Rodeo Team to host Team Roping Series
The Aggie Shotgun Sports Team will host a Sporting Clay Shoot on Labor Day in Curtis. The team has doubled to 20 members since this photo was taken in 2020 with Coach Alan Taylor, at left, (NCTA News file photo)
Aggies to host Sporting Clay Shoot Sept. 6 Thursday, September 2, 2021

By NCTA News

Sporting clay enthusiasts can “break some clays” on Labor Day to show support for an Aggie team from the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture.

The NCTA Shotgun Sports athletes are hosting a Sporting Clay Shoot Monday in Curtis to help defray expenses in buying team vests and practice supplies, said NCTA Coach Alan Taylor.

Sports enthusiasts can participate between 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Curtis Gun Club, the public range where NCTA team members practice twice weekly.

Read Aggies to host Sporting Clay Shoot Sept. 6
The NCTA exhibit at the Nebraska State Fair in the University of Nebraska’s Raising Nebraska building. (Andela Taylor photo / NCTA)
Aggies set pace in 2021 Wednesday, September 1, 2021

NCTA Dean’s Message by Larry Gossen, Ph.D.

Thank you, Curtis community, for the warm welcome to Aggies beginning their college careers at the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture!

Students enjoyed the New Student Orientation weekend, becoming familiar with the community, businesses, churches, and the region’s recreational sites.

We are grateful to the Medicine Valley Chamber of Commerce for welcome packets. I appreciate representatives from community groups and the pastors of local churches who met and mingled at the Welcome Picnic last Sunday.

Read Aggies set pace in 2021
Aggie students gathered Sunday afternoon for their New Student Orientation at the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture. Classes started August 23. (A. Taylor photo / NCTA)
Aggies back at campus Wednesday, August 25, 2021

NCTA Dean’s Message by Larry Gossen, Ph.D.

We’ve had a tremendous kickoff weekend and first few days of our fall semester here at the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture.

I’ve appreciated the outstanding preparation by our NCTA faculty and staff to coordinate a smooth and welcoming atmosphere for New Student Orientation on Saturday and Sunday.

The Curtis Community shared in our kickoff, as well, by preparing welcome packets and helping with the community picnic Sunday evening.

Read Aggies back at campus
Animal Science Professor and Ranch Horse Team Coach Jo Hergenreder displays her mask of horse and rider. She keeps it handy for use in the office and classroom. (Crawford / NCTA News)
Campus clinic is August 31 Monday, August 23, 2021

By NCTA News

A walk-in clinic for the college community and public to receive a first Covid-19 vaccination will be Tuesday, August 31 at the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture in Curtis.

Any individual who has not been vaccinated is welcome. The clinic is free of charge.

The Pfizer vaccine will be administered by the Southwest Nebraska Public Health Department at the NCTA campus from 5:30 to 7 p.m. in the Student Union. The second shot will be given September 21, at same times and location.

Read Campus clinic is August 31
Resident assistants at the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture are student staff at three residence halls. This group welcomed Aggies last year. In person classes begin August 23 in Curtis. (M. Crawford / NCTA News)
Monday is opening day at NCTA Thursday, August 19, 2021

NCTA Dean’s Message by Larry Gossen, Ph.D.

Welcome Aggie students to the new year at the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture. We are glad you are here!

We begin classes August 23rd and have a great orientation weekend planned for incoming freshmen and transfer students. Saturday is move-in day for our new Aggies residing on campus in one of the three residence halls.

A hearty greeting, as well, to the parents and family members who accompany their students for their move to Curtis.

Read Monday is opening day at NCTA
Vet Tech students in STVMA celebrate their instructor and mentor, Ricky Sue Barnes Wach, D.V.M., by presenting her with art. She retired in July and will continue on the NCTA faculty as a part-time lecturer. (C. Barnhart photo / NCTA)
New faces, places at NCTA Thursday, August 12, 2021

NCTA Dean’s Message by Larry Gossen, Ph.D.

The countdown has begun for our Fall semester to begin on August 23!

By next Monday, the Residence Halls will have their fulltime resident assistants moved in and taking their RA training (which includes CPR) and all faculty will report for duty in their respective units.

The Aggie campus will have a slightly new “look” in some of the buildings and a new face or two to welcome to our staff or faculty.

I look forward to greeting our employees at the Staff and Faculty Inservice on August 18.

Read New faces, places at NCTA
Anna Wyman and her dog, Bella, herd sheep at the farm of Kelly and Jo Popp, located south of Curtis. Whyman will compete in North Platte and at the Nebraska State Fair on Sept. 3. (Mary Crawford photo / NCTA News)
Cattle dog trials to Wild West Arena in North Platte Wednesday, August 11, 2021

By NCTA News

NORTH PLATTE, Neb. – Working cattle dogs will take to the Buffalo Bill Wild West Arena this weekend (August 14-15) for the North Platte Summer Shoot Out.

Spectators can watch for free at any time Saturday and Sunday. Dog handlers will meet at 7 a.m. each day with contests in four categories of skill for the handler and their dog:  Open, Intermediate, Nursery and Novice.

A Meet & Greet at 6 p.m. Saturday gives opportunity to interact directly with handlers and their dogs. A “Shoot Out” competition limited to 20 entries begins at 7 p.m.

Read Cattle dog trials to Wild West Arena in North Platte
Josi Arnold, recipient of the IANR Inclusive Excellence Award, often lends a helping hand to students and staff at NCTA. Campus deans Jennifer McConville and Larry Gossen joined Arnold at steps of Ag Hall for the outdoor commencement in May. (NCTA Photo)
NCTA Aggie advocates for youth, education Monday, August 9, 2021

Josi Arnold is a listener, friend, mentor, problem-solver, and includer.

Her advocacy on behalf of college students was noteworthy throughout 2020, particularly due to the global pandemic.

Arnold’s appreciative supervisors at the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture took note.

They’d worked closely with Arnold, who has been the NCTA Dean’s Office administrative associate since early 2020.

Read NCTA Aggie advocates for youth, education
Four Aggie students and Roy Cole, NCTA farm manager, trail cattle at summer pasture. (Photo by Mary Crawford / NCTA News)
Aggies at home on the range Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Aggies at home on the range

NCTA Dean’s Message by Larry Gossen, Ph.D.

In this year of limited rainfall and parched conditions among many areas of Nebraska, livestock owners and grasslands managers are keeping a watchful eye on pasture and range conditions.

Measures to consider include early weaning to stretch feed supplies and maintain cattle health. Input costs keep climbing, making every management decision more crucial.

Read Aggies at home on the range