Nebraska Promise for free tuition

Nebraska Promise for free tuition

Veterinary technician students at NCTA started summer session on June 15. All “Nebraska Promise” students meeting eligibility criteria can enroll tuition-free this fall. In-person classes begin August 24. (Student photo by Jordan Ramsdell)
Veterinary technician students at NCTA started summer session on June 15. All “Nebraska Promise” students meeting eligibility criteria can enroll tuition-free this fall. In-person classes begin August 24. (Student photo by Jordan Ramsdell)

By NCTA News

CURTIS, Neb. _ The University of Nebraska is providing $50,000 for its on-campus classes in Curtis, Nebraska this fall.

The pledge through “Nebraska Promise” enables tuition-free college classes to fulltime students who are new, transfers or returning Aggies to the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture in Curtis.

Nebraska residents with family income of less than $60,000 per year are eligible.

“This scholarship of $3,336 to $5,000 per year for 24 to 36 hours of coursework can be a difference-maker to some students,” said Larry Gossen, NCTA dean. “An eligible student can enroll now and start their college program here at NCTA, with in-person classes when the fall semester begins August 24.”

“I was notified this week by University President Ted Carter of the Nebraska Promise assistance to NCTA, so that we can ensure faculty, staff and academic resources for all eligible Aggie students,” said Dean Gossen.

The tuition-free commitment was announced by University of Nebraska President Ted Carter in April for use at any NU campus.

Nebraska Promise will guarantee that full-time resident undergraduates whose families have an adjusted gross income of $60,000 or less or who quality for the federal Pell Grant can attend college in the fall.

Nebraska Promise criteria:

  • Must be a Nebraska resident
  • Made FAFSA application for federal aid by June 1.
  • Take at least 12 credit hours each semester
  • Family income of $60,000 or less (adjusted gross income) or be Pell Grant eligible
  • Maintain a 2.5 GPA

NCTA is unique, and a one-of-a-kind campus within the NU system, Gossen said, with its hands-on programs in agriculture education, agribusiness, ag mechanics, ag production and animal health (veterinary technicians).   

“Our New Student Enrollment for students coming to NCTA this fall is at campus on July 7,” Gossen said. “I look forward to meeting students and their families.”

Tuition at NCTA is $139 per credit hour, and is the same for Nebraska residents and out-of-state students. Housing and other costs are not included in the Nebraska Promise.

For details on applying to NCTA, see or call Gaylene Stinman, enrollment associate at 308-367-5267.

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