Welcoming friends to campus

Welcoming friends to campus

FFA members participate in Career Development Events at a Veterinary Technology classroom at NCTA in February. (E. Grote/ NCTA photo)
FFA members participate in Career Development Events at a Veterinary Technology classroom at NCTA in February. (E. Grote/ NCTA photo)

NCTA Dean’s Message by Larry Gossen, Ph.D.

Sharing the good news about career opportunities in agriculture and our college programs which help students achieve their goals is a team initiative by all of us at the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture.

This month, as Aggie students are immersed in their fourth week of second semester classes, we are heartened by the in-person conversations and interactions with our consumers, those students and their families pursuing higher education.

Our NCTA faculty and staff visit one-on-one in the Curtis community and regionally, with outeach to high schools and agricultural venues, and now again, more recently, across the state at public events such as farm and ranch expos, livestock shows, and industry meetings.

I am continually appreciative of all who keep our campus safe and are vigilant in their off-campus encounters during this time of COVID-19.  We wear masks when unable to physically distance the recommended six feet and we have instituted screening measures for the virus with an easy saliva test.

This week, with improved weather, our students are spending more of their class and free time outdoors. We invite visitors to campus tours and see what our rural college is all about.

Welcome FFA and NACEB

Second renditions of District FFA Leadership Development Events occur Wednesday and on Feb. 10.  We enjoy hosting members from the region’s FFA chapters as they deliver speeches, presentations and other knowledge and communication skills before evaluators. These FFA members are vying to become state qualifiers to the virtual State FFA Conference in April.

Guests to campus this Friday afternoon will include leaders of the Nebraska Association of County Extension Boards. Welcome friends!

NCTA professor emeritus Jo Bek of Curtis serves as treasurer of NACEB and has been instrumental in planning the board’s visit. NCTA alumnus Steven Stettner of Palmer is past presiudent. I look forward to greeting these Nebraska Extension representatives who hail from all parts of our state.

On Saturday, the NACEB annual conference is in North Platte at the University of Nebraska West Central Research and Extension Center. We appreciate these servant leaders and are pleased to share with them updates of  NCTA academics and workforce development programs.

Outreach with partners

In the next three months, we will reach a peak period of prospective college students making visits to college campuses. We look forward to customizing each session with a high school junior or senior. If not in person, students also can visit virtually.

Our NCTA Student Services team of admissions, recruiting, residence life (housing) and guidance combine with Aggie Student Ambassadors for these visits. To set up a tour or campus visit, call 1-800-3-CURTIS or see information at ncta.unl.edu.

Recruiters Rulon Taylor and Andela Taylor are filling their calendars with outreach to our educational and agricultural partners. Rulon will be traveling to northeast Nebraska high schools later in February. Andela has several virtual presentations and conversations set up with programs in eastern and southern Nebraska.

This week, ninth grade students from Perkins County High School in Grant are making an NCTA visit. With travel funding through ACE and Education Quest initiatives,  they will explore our academic programs, see campus, and meet with NCTA instructors and students.

Student clubs and campus teams are organizing public events ranging from livestock shows and horse clinics, to stock dog trials and ag seminars at NCTA facilites. The indoor arena at the Livestock Teaching Center is always busy with daytime classes, rodeo, ranch horse or stock dog practices, and some some evening work such as the popular colt starting class.

We hope to see you soon at some of the events listed below. However, to ensure activities are not postponed, it’s best to check with us, first, before coming to campus. See you at NCTA: where your passion becomes a career!

What’s ahead

Feb. 13 -21: Nebraska Cattlemen’s Classic, Kearney

Feb. 20-21:  NCTA Stock Dog Trials, Curtis

March 2:  NCTA Discovery Day, Curtis

March 13-14: NCTA Stock Dog Trials, Curtis

March 27-28: NCTA Horsemanship/Reining Clinic, Curtis

April 3-5:  Ranch Horse Team’s Punchy in Pink Spring Round Up, McCook

April 12:  NCTA Discovery Day, Curtis

May 6:  NCTA Graduation

June 26: Aggie Alumni Association reunion, Curtis

Part of the University of Nebraska system, the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture is a two-year institution with a statewide mission of preparing students for successful careers in agriculture, veterinary technology and related industries. NCTA is known for its affordable tuition, high job-placement rate for its graduates, and for the success of student teams in numerous competitive activities including crops judging, ranch horse events, livestock judging, shotgun sports, stock dog trials, and intercollegiate rodeo. The college is consistently ranked as one of the best two-year schools in the nation.

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