Congratulations Class of 2024

Congratulations Class of 2024

Dean Larry Gossen, Ph.D. and Associate Dean Jennifer McConville, Ed.D. wish the graduates of 2024 their very best!
Dean Larry Gossen, Ph.D. and Associate Dean Jennifer McConville, Ed.D. wish the graduates of 2024 their very best!

May 6, 2024

By Dr. Jennifer McConville, Associate Dean

This week I want to talk to all of the graduates and soon-to-be grads! This is your moment to shine brightly at NCTA's graduation week!


With heartfelt congratulations from Dean Gossen and myself, we extend our warmest wishes to all area graduates. You've worked tirelessly to reach this point, and we're truly proud of each and every one of you.


We are especially proud of our very own NCTA Aggies, celebrating earning their associate degrees and certificates – what an accomplishment!


At NCTA, graduation week is always a blend of emotions for us. It's a joyous occasion to see you walk across the stage and receive your well-deserved credentials. Many of you, we know by name, having watched you grow and thrive over the past few years. But it's also a bittersweet moment as we bid farewell to the students we've come to know so well. Dr. Gossen, the faculty, and staff share in this sentiment – it's tough to say goodbye.


As you embark on the next chapter of your journey, we're thrilled to follow your progress and see where life takes you. Congratulations, Aggies – the world awaits you!


And for recent high school grads still thinking about what to do next, it's not too late to join us at NCTA. Dive into our hands-on educational opportunities with summer tours, and discover the endless possibilities right here in Nebraska.


To learn more about the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture, a Small Campus with a Big Impact, call us at 1-800-3-CURTIS or see

Your journey starts here!