Cost of Attendance


NCTA has one tuition rate per credit hour for all students, both resident and non-resident! 


2024-2025 TUITION 
Cost per credit hour
$ 149.00
Concurrent (Dual) Enrollment per credit hour         $  74.50


Residence Hall Rates for 2024-25 
Four person apartment style suite per semester$1,905.50
Double Room with communal shower per semester$1,648.50
Double Room with private shower per semester$1,890.50
Double Room per semester   $1,331.00
Single Room Occupancy per semester (Based on availability)$1,993.50
Aggie West Summer 2025 Rates 
Double Room with communal shower$  824.25
Double Room with private shower
$  946.00
Single Room with communal shower per semester (Based on availability)
Single Room with private shower per semester (Based on availability)
MEAL PLANS Per Semester
5 meals/wk (off campus students ONLY)$  651.50
14 meals/wk  (can be used for up to 3 meals* per day, not to exceed 14 per week)
18 meals/wk  (can be used for up to 3 meals* per day, not to exceed 18 per week)

21 meals/wk  (can be used for up to 3 meals* per day, not to exceed 21 per week)

14 Meal Plan (June 2025 Summer Session)$  913.00

*Meals include cafeteria style meals served in NCTA Cafeteria, and one of the 5 meal plans offered in the Chandi's Castle. Weekend meals available off-campus by using your NCard.  
See Aggie Dining for more information.

Additional snacks and beverages are not included in the meal plans and can be purchased separately at the Chandi's Castle by using cash, check, or credit card.

FEESPer Semester

Academic/Student Fee (each semester per credit hour)
(Based on average credit load of 17 hours per semester. Cost of $24.00 is assessed per credit. $408/17=$24.00)  

Academic Student Fees include:  Student Health Fee, Lab fee, Activity Fee, Student Union Fee, Printer Fee, Technology Fee, NCard Fee. 

Annual Residence Hall Fee 
$ 100.00
(average cost per semester)$ 374.00
Parking Permit (Annual) 
For students, faculty, staff, administration$   25.00
Other miscellaneous fees and special course fees may apply 


2024-2025 Estimated Cost of Attendance 

Estimated Cost of Attendance, or COA, is a standardized estimate of the overall cost of NCTA for a specific period.  It represents the best estimate of expenses a student might expect to incur.


Net Price Calculator is intended to provide estimated net price information (defined as estimated cost of attendance - including tuition and required fees, books and supplies, room and board (meals), and other related expenses - minus estimated grant and scholarship aid) to current and prospective students and their families based on what similar students paid in a previous year.