NCTA welcomes guests on campus, when possible. To make this request please fill out the NCTA Event Form. All events must be approved through the Dean’s Office. Please understand all guests must comply with University of Nebraska policies while using NCTA facilities. This includes the university weapons policy (6.4.8) which does not allow conceal or open carry on campus.
Food Service for Events
Events interested in using food service for events on campus should fill out the NCTA Food Service Event Form. We will do our best to work with you for your event, based upon the resources available.
The current price for event meals is $9.50/person, served in the cafeteria.
Each event must fill out the NCTA event form.
Less than 48 hours’ notice to cancel events will result in 50% of the meal costs, weather situations will be considered.
Youth Activities
- If this is a youth activity or if youth will be attending, additional steps must occur before the event can be held.
- Youth Activities Safety Policy
- Youth Activity Release Form
- Activity Worker Form
- Activity Worker Guidelines
Residence Life Room Rates for Event Guests
NCTA residence life rooms can be rented for events on campus. These events must be approved in advance by the Dean’s Office.
The cost for these rooms will be:
- $50/room
- $25/person double occupancy
- $50/person single occupancy
To be able to stay in Residence Life:
- Names of participants must be emailed to NCTA in advance of the event and must clear the sexual registry list.
- Alcohol is not permitted on the NCTA campus, including the residence life halls.
- Participants must sign a room contract prior to entering the residence.
Facilities Use Plan for Spaces on NCTA Campus