Your home away from Home!
Residence Life
Learn more about living on campus.

Residence Life
Apply for Housing and Dining today!
Are you ready to make NCTA your new home? Apply today!
By signing your University Housing Contract, you indicated your acknowledgment of your obligation to comply with the Student Code of Conduct, the Community Living Guide, and the Contract Policies.
Community Living
NCTA Residence Life offers a unique community living environment. This living space requires that students possess the life skills that are needed to live in an independent living environment.
Community Living Guide
Student Code of Conduct
Getting Involved on Campus
Teams, Clubs, Intramural and more!
Internet and Streaming
To Schedule An Appointment with ITS email to and Tyler will respond and set up a time to meet you.
If you need help with IT items such as:
- Setting up wi-fi
- Instructions on setting up TV’s and gaming systems
- Software questions
- Other IT needs
This email can be used throughout the year for IT needs.
Connections on Campus
For help on connecting to educroam (wi-fi on campus) please go to for directions.
For help setting up TV and gaming devices go to for complete directions.
Tyler Faber-NCTA ITS
ITS Client Services, Workstation Support Associate
Outstate Nebraska Information Technology (ONIT)
Ag Hall Rm #3
404 East 7th St.
Curtis, NE 69025
Office: (308)367-5210
Tour the Halls
Residence Life should be more then just a place to sleep!
Health and Wellness
Many resources are available to help when needed!
Dining options at NCTA
Residence Life Manager
Meet Nathan Nicklas, your Residence Life Manager
Fitness Center
Your Residence Life key will give you access to the Fitness Center. If you do not live on campus, contact the Facilities office for a key.
Printing- WEPA
WEPA Printers are located:
Ed Center Computer Lab * Library
Student Union * Vet Tech Room

Why should you choose NCTA's residence halls? Here’s why it’s a great place to call home:
- Super Convenient: Our dorms are right by your classes, the library, dining areas, and the fitness center. No long walks, just more time for what matters!
- Social and Supportive Vibe: Living on campus means you’ll meet tons of people and make friends quickly. We host events, study groups, and activities that help you connect. Plus, there are lounges to study in or just hang out!
- Meals Made Easy: Your meal plan is part of your dorm fee, so you don’t have to worry about cooking—just grab food when you need it!
- All-Inclusive Pricing: Water, electricity, Wi-Fi, and even laundry are covered in your dorm fees. No extra bills to think about!
- Independence with Support: Living in a dorm is the perfect mix of freedom and help. You get to experience living on your own, but you’ve still got support like free laundry and helpful staff.
- Safety First: We’ve got great security, on-duty RAs and campus police working with the Frontier County Sheriff’s office to keep you safe.

Fall 2025 RA Applications are now open!!!
This fall we are looking to fill 8 RA positions. 4 are female positions, 3 are male positions, and 1 can be either male or female, so this application is open to anyone returning in the fall.
This application is due by 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, March 6th. Interviews will be held over the following weeks.
Please be aware that a minimum of a 2.5 cumulative GPA from past semesters is required to apply for the position and must be maintained every semester to retain the position. Also, unless granted an exception, RAs are limited to 10 additional hours of work per week outside of their RA position (exceptions have been granted to RAs who can effectively manage their school, RA, and work responsibilities).
Your compensation will be that you will not be billed for your room or board (14 meal plan).