Crops Judging Team

Crops Judging Team

The Crops Contest includes four separate categories in which students compete as individuals. Students have 1 hour to complete each one. Much of the contest is focused upon knowledge requirements to become a Certified Crop Advisor.

  • Agronomic Exam – this is a comprehensive exam over all knowledge in the field of agronomy.  The exam includes 75 multiple choice questions.
  • Math Practical – an exam that encompasses all possible mathematical problems in agronomy. Example calculations include seeding rates, fertilizer application rates, sprayer calibration, harvest losses, irrigation scheduling, grain moisture adjustments and livestock rations.
  • Lab Practical – an exam that includes 75 specimens that can range from insect, disease and equipment identification; crop growth staging; pesticide labels; nutrient deficiency symptoms, fertilizer samples, and many more.
  • Plant and Seed Identification – a 75 specimen exam of crop and weed plants and seeds.  The exam has over 150 possible species.

Any student at NCTA may participate in the Crops Judging team and must enroll in the appropriate Crops Judging courses.

  • AGR 1891 Crops Judging I, Fall semesters
  • AGR 2892 Crops Judging II, Spring semesters


Team members (Nebraska hometowns, unless otherwise listed, back row L – R): Jay Mintling (1st year), Hayes Center; Owen Harb (1st year), Grand Island; Tyler Keener (2nd year), Mitchell. Front row (L-R):  Delany Salm (1st year), Kendall, WI; Leah Schutz (1st year), Elwood; Chase Glover (2nd year), Grand Island; and Sean Lucas (1st year), Bailey, CO.