How can you be prepared for an emergency?
- Take note of your building's floor plan and exit routes.
- Participate in fire drills and safety training programs.
- Be prepared for Nebraska weather.
- Report all work-related injuries, illnesses, and hazardous material spills.
- Designate a meeting place outside of the building for your unit or department or make note of an existing meeting place.
- Identify tornado shelter areas in basements or interior hallways or corridors.
- Keep a flashlight and battery-operated radio nearby.
- Locate the nearest fire extinguisher and fire alarm. Learn to use a fire extinguisher.
- Know where to find NCTA’s emergency information and basic first aid materials.
- Watch these Really Obvious Preparedness Facts... because when you know the facts, it's obvious.
Emergency Information Sources
During an emergency campus will be notified through many sources including our campus app, facebook and email.
Emergency Alertss