Home School Students and Families

When it comes to homeschool options at the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture, we share your dedication to student success. With our high quality, affordable education and small safe campus we are committed to providing all students with the skills needed for career success in agriculture and veterinary technology.

The Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture offers a variety of unique and specialized courses to help families meet educational goals. Various general courses are offered each spring, summer and fall semester through the Canvas Learning Management System. Students may earn high school and college credits concurrently. Courses are college-level, contain the same content and rigor as other courses offered at NCTA, and may transfer. 

Students may attend classes in-person on our campus in Curtis or complete available courses online. In-person classes allow students to benefit from our small class size and personalized attention from our award-winning faculty in an interactive, hands-on learning environment while interacting with peers. Courses administered online to allow for flexibility in completing coursework to accommodate student’s busy schedules. Click Here for Available Online Courses.

Student Benefits

1. Reduced tuition ($69.50 per credit hour)

2. Earn college credit while in high school

3. Credits transfer to NCTA and other colleges (jumpstart your degree)


Get started today ~ Visit our Dual Credit and Agricultural Academies page to learn more.