Fall 2023 Dean's Honors Announced

December 22, 2023

NCTA celebrates 64 students who thrived academically this semester.
NCTA celebrates 64 students who thrived academically this semester.

December 21, 2023

Celebrating Academic Excellence - Fall 2023 Dean's List and Honors

By Dean Larry Gossen, PhD

One thing I look forward to after each semester is seeing the list of students who made the Dean’s list or the Honor Roll. These students have proven they are focused on their education, dedicated to quality, and committed to hard work. They understand that their education is a valuable asset that will be there for the rest of their lives.

In addition to this list of 64 students, many made strides in reaching personal goals in academics, a team competition, or personal achievements. We are proud of all these students and look forward to watching them continue to achieve success as they advance their education.

This week, I had the honor of signing letters for 64 full-time students who made the Dean’s List or the Dean’s Honor Roll. The fifteen highest achievers earned a perfect 4.0 grade point average for the Dean’s List, with the remaining 49 students scoring from 3.5 to 3.99. Remarkably, the honorees represented nine states.


NCTA Deans List (4.0 GPA) Nebraska towns unless otherwise listed:

Bonesteel, SD - Hailey Haiar

Elwood - Leah Schutz

Hay Springs - James Scherbarth

Imperial - Morel Jurado

Ithaca - Tye Dickes

La Follette, TN - Kenisha Huddleston

Lodgepole - Allison Lofton

Logan, KS - Rylee Delimont

Manning, ND - Shawna Burian

McCook - Cinch Anderson

North Platte - Samuel Scholz

North Platte - Sheldon Prentice

Plainview - Jozlyn Anderson

Saint Edward - Josephine Cumming

Tekamah - Wyatt Matthew Deemer


Honor Roll (3.5 to 3.99 GPA)


Atwood, KS - Kaleigh McFee

Bingham - Amanda  Kohl

Chamberlain, SD - Christian Fees

Curtis - Kaden Bonini

Dalton - Justin Ernest

DeWitt - Logan Brown

Dighton, KS - Makenzie Doris

Doniphan - Kia Brown

Eustis - Donald Rohr

Ewing - Karina Larson

Fair Play, SC - Caitlyn Krout

Gordon - Stella Wegner

Gothenburg - Tarynn Miller

Grand Island - Kenya Nagel

Grand Island - Owen Harb

Greenville, MI - Alexandria Bell

Hastings - Taylor Wilson

Hayes Center - Jay Mintling

Hazard - Makenna Renzelman

Herald, CA - Cody Flint

Holdrege - Chloe Newth

Hoxie, KS - Heath Roberson

Johnson - Maggie Clark

Kennard - Alaina Schwedhelm

Kiowa, CO - Marina Guynn

Lakewood, CO - Lydia Bowden

Lincoln - Madison Spires

Littleton, CO - Lauren Krager

Madison - Betty Books

Maxwell - Hayley Yost

McCook - Kaden Day

North Platte - James Ady

Omaha - Alexes Kreikemeier

Omaha - Andrew Podkovich

Ord - Miya Rocha

Oxford - Rebekah Taylor

Palmer - Lillian Kyes

Park, KS - Trevor Kaiser

Potter - Karter Wittrock

Saint Francis, KS - Jasper Hunt

Stanton - Aryana Wurdinger

Sterling - Emma Harms

Stratton - Ava Petersen

Sutton - Elyzabeth Winter

Tipton, IN - Eric Grimes

Tobias - Bailey Holtmeier

Waldo, KS - Ashton Lund

Wood River - Elizabeth Rainforth

Wray, CO - Katherine Thompson




Part of the University of Nebraska system, the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture is a two-

year institution with a statewide mission of preparing students for successful careers in agriculture,

veterinary technology, and related industries. NCTA is known for its affordable tuition, high job-

placement rate for its graduates and the success of student teams in competitive activities, including crops judging, ranch horse events, livestock judging, shotgun sports, stock dog trials, and

intercollegiate rodeo. The college is consistently ranked as one of the best two-year schools in the




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