FFA Week Ahead

February 16, 2024

Nebraska FFA District 11 students gather in the NCTA student union for lunch during their recent Career Development Event.
Nebraska FFA District 11 students gather in the NCTA student union for lunch during their recent Career Development Event.

February 15, 2024

By NCTA News, Andela Taylor

Get ready for the "Blue Jackets" to be out in full force next week as we celebrate FFA Week from February 17 to 24. FFA as an organization is integral to NCTA in so many ways. It aligns perfectly with our academic pathways in agriculture, animal science, and related fields.

NCTA Dean Larry Gossen reinforces its importance, saying, "FFA week was always one of my favorite weeks of the year when I was an FFA Advisor. This week provides a chance for us to highlight the students who make up our future workforce and their contribution to the community. The vast majority of NCTA students were high school FFA members. We are grateful for the FFA chapters and their advisors that provide opportunities for the members to experience success."

The NCTA campus is a hub for FFA students and teachers throughout the year. Last week, 272 FFA members from District 11 competed in state-qualifying Career Development Events in Agriculture Mechanics, Nursery & Landscaping, Biotechnology, Agronomy, Vet Science, and Farm Business Management. Congratulations to the qualifiers!

The NCTA Collegiate FFA chapter has twenty members working toward degrees in various academic programs. These students are essential in assisting with the on-campus competitions, traveling to special events, and supporting our recruiting efforts. During FFA week, they will host a dodgeball tournament fundraiser on February 20at 7:30 pm in the Curtis Community Center.

The NCTA recruiting strategy places FFA at the forefront of our efforts. Nebraska starts our state convention season the first week in April, with five surrounding states to follow. The recruiting team also enjoys the Nebraska Cattlemens Classic FFA Day in Kearney on February 21, which connects students with the cattle industry's best while they compete for special awards.

Join us in supporting FFA during FFA Week as they celebrate the invaluable role FFA plays in shaping the future of agriculture. We applaud students who have chosen to join this dynamic and historic organization. With Dean Larry Gossen's words echoing the sentiment of many, we recognize its profound impact on both individual students and the broader agricultural landscape.

Part of the University of Nebraska system, the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture is a two-year institution with a statewide mission of preparing students for successful careers in agriculture, veterinary technology, and related industries. NCTA is known for its affordable tuition, high job-placement rate for its graduates, and student teams' success in competitive activities, including crops judging, ranch horse events, livestock judging, shotgun sports, stock dog trials, and intercollegiate rodeo. The college is consistently ranked as one of the best two-year schools in the nation.