Horses Power Success

March 31, 2023

NCTA Ranch Horse Team ready for departure for the LCCC Ranch Horse Spring Round Up in Cheyenne, Wyoming.
NCTA Ranch Horse Team ready for departure for the LCCC Ranch Horse Spring Round Up in Cheyenne, Wyoming.

By Dean Larry Gossen PhD

Educating students for careers in agriculture takes on many forms at NCTA, but increasingly they involve horses. Our Animal Science, Equine Industry Management, and Vet Tech degrees can lead to equine careers. Horse-loving students enjoy working on the Ranch Crew, caring for the campus herd, and competing on horse-centric Rodeo and Ranch Horse teams.

I doubt we have two students on campus now with the same degree path to the same career goals. Student goals evolve as they progress through their courses, are exposed to new prospective careers, or develop a passion for a particular activity through our teams and clubs.

Much of this evolution is through the hands-on learning we offer; our equine programs are an excellent example. Many students bring a horse or multiple horses to college; some even bring a horse for their roommate!

The most popular equine pathway we offer is an Equine Industry Management degree, with many choosing to participate on the Ranch Horse Team. These are under the academic instruction and coaching of Joanna Hergenreder and employ a unique model with many courses taught while on horseback.

Joanna advocates for student success by structuring opportunities to connect and network directly with the industry. She shares, "Students get to experience professionals we bring to campus, like Sherman Tegtmeier and Jason Perry, as well as internship experiences all over the country, like one student that recently completed her time at Claiborne Farm in Kentucky."

The Ranch Horse Team has competed very well this season, gaining high placements in their travels to Colorado and Wyoming. They will head to Amarillo, TX, in April, for the Collegiate National Championships.

We enjoy touting that NCTA has the only Ranch Horse Team in Nebraska!

Punchy In Pink Event April 6 – 9th

Beyond horse and rider skills, the Ranch Horse team members plan, organize, and host one of the region's largest events, the sanctioned Punchy in Pink Spring Round Up. Held each year at the Kiplinger Arena in McCook, the show offers something for everyone and meaningfully adds awareness and raises funds for those battling breast cancer in the ranching community.

New to the line-up this year will be an AQHA Ranching Heritage Challenge, which will bring breakaway and steer stopping, among others, to the event. Other events will include open and collegiate stock horses, AQHA Versatility Ranch Horse (all classes), AQHA Ranch Riding, and the coveted "Bra Race."

Last year, over 100 exhibitors entered more than four classes, including open class and college divisions in reining, cutting/herd work, ranch trail, ranch riding, and versatility.

Coach Hergenreder has high expectations for this year's event thanks to the hard work of students and all of our supporters, such as Slidin Daze Enterprises and the AQHA. Entry forms and information can be found online:

I am intrigued to see the "surprise" fundraising feature this year and enjoy a new activity while celebrating Easter weekend.

NCTA Events:

Mar. 29-31: Recruit/students at Nebraska FFA SLC, Lincoln

Apr. 5: Nebraska Cattlemen visit NCTA

Apr. 6-9: Punchy in Pink Spring Round Up, McCook

Apr. 11: Discovery Days Tour at NCTA

Apr. 18: New Student Enrollment

Apr. 17: Recruit at South Dakota FFA

Apr. 20: Recruit at Wyoming FFA


Part of the University of Nebraska system, the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture is a two-year institution with a statewide mission of preparing students for successful careers in agriculture, veterinary technology, and related industries. NCTA is known for its affordable tuition, high job-placement rate for its graduates and the success of student teams in competitive activities, including crops judging, ranch horse events, livestock judging, shotgun sports, stock dog trials, and intercollegiate rodeo. The college is consistently ranked as one of the best two-year schools in the nation.

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