Let's Glow All In for NCTA!

February 13, 2024

Show your Aggie love and support students during Glow Big Red February 14 - 15.
Show your Aggie love and support students during Glow Big Red February 14 - 15.

Love and generosity are in the air! Glow Big Red — 24 Hours of Aggie Giving is from noon to noon on Feb. 14 to Feb. 15, and the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture is counting on you. Will you be our Valentine?

We hope to raise vital funding to ensure our students receive an exceptional education and have a life-changing experience in Curtis.

Wondering how you can show us your love during Glow Big Red?

Give: Join your fellow Aggies by making a gift of $5 or more to support NCTA! Help students facing financial obstacles by contributing to the NCTA Scholarship Fund and the Aggie Cupboard. On the link, you will see our generous donor challenges and special promotions. Thank you to those challengers!

Share: Show your Valentine’s Day love by spreading the word on social media using the hashtag #GlowBigRed.

This is our sixth Glow Big Red, and we know you’ll help us make Glow Big Red bigger and better than ever. Make your gift at https://glowbigred.unl.edu/organizations/ncta by noon on Feb. 15.

Let’s Glow All In for Glow Big Red, Aggies!

P.S. Make a gift of $65 or more and we’ll send you a complementary NCTA stocking hat to show our gratitude for your Aggie love.