Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture (NCTA), located in Curtis, has long been recognized for its commitment to the agricultural industry by offering only ag-based majors and certifications. Additionally, the college boasts a nationally-ranked veterinary tech program. Now, the school may add inspiring the formation of an FFA chapter to its glowing resume.
Last spring, NCTA’s Colorado-based admissions recruiter visited Ellicott High School, a rural district with an enrollment of approximately 270 students in grades 9-12, located 15 miles east of Colorado Springs. While the recruiter generated student interest in NCTA, the cogs were turning in Kathleen Baca’s mind. Ellicott hired Baca three years prior as a high school science teacher whose focus was teaching physical science despite holding a biology degree. Baca’s children were enrolled in various livestock projects in the local 4-H club and Baca felt that agriculture classes might be compatible with Ellicott’s curriculum.
“I had this livestock background with my kids being in 4-H,” explained Baca. “I wanted to bring that 4-H experience into the classroom because of the growth and career connections that 4-H offers.” Couple that idea with an introductory animal science “feeler” class that Baca offered to interested seniors, and the entire ag concept began evolving. However, Baca wasn’t sure how to further pursue the idea, until the NCTA recruiter mentioned an Ag Teachers Bootcamp offered in June on the Curtis campus. Baca pitched the Bootcamp idea to the Ellicott administration and things began taking shape.
“After I attended the Ag Bootcamp, I had direction for offering the high school ag classes,” Baca explained. “That Bootcamp one hundred percent solidified my idea of adding ag classes to Ellicott’s curriculum. I learned so much content at Ag Bootcamp,” she continued. “And I experienced so many hands-on activities to bring back to the classroom. We were just loaded with content and given all the visual aids of each session to incorporate into our classrooms.”
Baca found the “couch conversations,” held each evening at the Bootcamp, to be equally as effective. “We talked about FFA and its importance in our schools,” said Baca. “And being able to talk to other FFA teachers was so advantageous.” Baca returned to Ellicott with a rejuvenated desire to not only offer an expanded ag curriculum, but to also create an FFA chapter at the school.
“Three or four years ago, I looked into FFA by talking to other Colorado school districts,” said Jeffrey Zick, Ellicott High School principal. “A common theme emerged from each conversation. School leaders told me that successful programming was extremely teacher-dependent. A dedicated teacher makes a great program.”
Zick credits Baca’s enthusiasm for initiating Ellicott’s program. “Mrs. Baca has really been self-driven throughout the process,” said Zick. “It started last year when we decided to add an Intro to Animal Science class. High interest led us to consider expanding the agricultural program. From there, Mrs. Baca deserves all the credit.”
Last fall, Ellicott added an Intro to Ag class to its CTE curriculum and interest has spiked. Baca added that both classes must be offered as CTE requirements, of which FFA is a component.
Meanwhile, Baca began working on Ellicott’s FFA chapter certification, which is no easy task. “I’m an impatient person,” admitted Baca. “I kept putting a bug in state FFA’s ear, wanting to know where we were at and what progress was being made.” Finally, the school received notification that it was officially chartered on November 6th, 2024.
Baca laughs when thinking about the timing of the chartering. “That’s a busy time of year with the holidays coming up,” she said. “We hit the ground running.”
Ellicott’s five FFA members and their advisor have immersed themselves with projects since the chapter’s inception and more events are planned throughout this semester. “We want to involve the community in everything we do,” said Baca. “We’re hoping to recruit more members. I’m most excited about getting the students doing things. I just need to learn more.”
One of those learning opportunities occurs this May. The school was one of 34 applicants selected to participate in the FY24 Innovations in CTE Grant for Veterinary Science. The two-day professional development workshop will be hosted by the Denver Animal Shelter. All participants will be provided with the materials and supplies to effectively teach within the veterinary science pathway.
Ellicott’s Principal Zick has no doubts the school’s FFA program will flourish. “I know Mrs. Baca can make our program a great opportunity for kids,” said Zick. “I anticipate quick growth due to high student interest and quality instruction.”
Part of the University of Nebraska system, the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture is a two-year institution with a statewide mission of preparing students for successful careers in agriculture, veterinary technology, and related industries. NCTA is known for its affordable tuition, high job-placement rate for its graduates and the success of student teams in competitive activities, including crops judging, ranch horse events, livestock judging, shotgun sports, stock dog trials, and intercollegiate rodeo. The college is consistently ranked as one of the best two-year schools in the nation.