It’s always a point of tremendous pride for me to share the Dean’s list and honor roll, and I appreciate all the hard work our students put into accomplishing this goal. Last semester, our Dean’s List included 13 students who scored a perfect 4.0, and the Honor Roll of 68 students scored above a 3.5 grade point average. There were 56 from Nebraska and 25 from out-of-state, with Colorado topping that list with 7, followed by Kansas with 6. We had three students honored from South Dakota, and an additional 9 states had one student scoring excellent grades last semester.
In reviewing the student’s hometown, I noted how many students from our nearby region were on the list. There were 20 of the 56 Nebraska students from the region within about 50 miles of Curtis. Topping this list were 5 from McCook, 3 from North Platte, 2 from Cambridge, Grant, and Indianola, and one student from Hayes Center, Lexington, Elwood, Cozad, Wallace, and 1 from right here in Curtis.
We are thrilled to serve all students from far and wide, but it is always a mission and makes practical sense to educate students in the region we were built to serve over a century ago. The solid foundation they build at NCTA equips them for success, whether they choose to enter the workforce directly or continue their studies at a 4-year institution.
We commend all the students for their commitment to excellence. Please join us in congratulating them on these outstanding academic achievements!
NCTA Deans List (4.0 GPA)
Central City, NE - Grace Strong
Clearwater, KS - - Adalie Henning
Cutler Bay, FL - Yoandri Dominguez Garcia
Elwood, NE - Leah Schutz
Franklin, NE - J Gladden
Hallsville, MO - Dominic Troutman
Hay Springs, NE - James Scherbarth
Hayes Center, NE- Jay Mintling
Linden, IA - Weston Ploeger
Middlesex, VT - Hannah Brett
Plattsmouth, NE- Sarah VanBilliard
Sidney, NE - Dominik Lucero
Tobias, NE - Bailey Holtmeier
Honor Roll (3.5 to 3.99 GPA)
Auburn, NE - Triston Perry
Bayard, NE - Zoie Clause
Bee, NE - Cadance Craig
Blair, NE - Alaina Schwedhelm
Bowdle, SD - Billie Hoffman
Broken Bow, NE - Karen Batchelder
Burlington, CO - Tyrell Homm
Burwell, NE - Gracie Conrad
Cambridge, NE - Wyatt Ervin
Cambridge, NE - Jalen Kent
Cozad, NE - Lauren Krager
Curtis, NE - Milla Farr
Dalton, NE - Justin Ernest
Dighton, KS - Makenzie Doris
Dupree, SD - Mia Hermes
Firth, NE - Espen Hohenstein
Fort Calhoun, NE- Morgan Shaner
Franklin, GA - Halle Hicks
Gordon, NE - Stella Wegner
Grand Island, NE- Owen Harb
Grant, NE - Emma Klahn
Grant, NE - Erik Snyder
Hastings, NE - Kayla Holling
Haxtun, CO - Cassidy Goodwin
Haxtun, CO - Austin Hanes
Holdrege, NE - Chloe Newth
Hutchinson, MN- Tori Kosters
Indianola, NE - Hunter Blume
Indianola, NE - Tristan Martin
Ithaca, NE - Tye Dickes
Johnstown, NE - Airyan Goochey
Kearney, NE - Wednesday Fielder
Lancaster, CA - Lily Strong
Leigh, NE - Jacob Martensen
Lexington, NE - Jordan Lans
Lincoln, NE - Madison Spires
Lisco, NE - Kyle Rote
Litchfield, NE - Brandi Slocum
Longmont, CO - Kaycee Cash
Longmont, CO - Abigail Johnson
Manning, ND - Shawna Burian
McCook, NE - Rachel Bose
McCook, NE - Kaden Day
McCook, NE - Megan Kotschwar
McCook, NE - Sean Lucas
McCook, NE - Paige Witt
Milburn, NE - Samuel McMillan
Mitchell, NE - Tyler Keener
Newport, NE - Courtney McCarthy
North Platte, NE- James Ady
North Platte, NE- Ellie Junker
North Platte, NE- Sheldon Prentice
Park, KS - Trevor Kaiser
Platte, SD - Luanna Kuipers
Rushville, NE - Jessalinn Dieriex
Sargent, NE - Tera Horky
Satanta, KS - Braden Hoskinson
Sedgwick, CO - Anthony Lechman
Seneca, KS - Isabelle Evans
Severance, CO - Natalie Baker
Shubert, NE - Danyelle Kuker
Silver Creek, NE - Lydia Ziemba
Smith Center, KS- Sierra Kingsbury
Stanton, NE - Aryana Wurdinger
Sutton, NE - Elyzabeth Winter
Torrington, WY - Grace Wernsman
Wallace, NE - McKenna Lundvall
Wayne, NE - Ella Leseberg
Part of the University of Nebraska system, the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture is a two-year institution with a statewide mission of preparing students for successful careers in agriculture, veterinary technology, and related industries. NCTA is known for its affordable tuition, high job-placement rate for its graduates and the success of student teams in competitive activities, including crops judging, ranch horse events, livestock judging, shotgun sports, stock dog trials, and intercollegiate rodeo. The college is consistently ranked as one of the best two-year schools in the nation.
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