Resident Assistant & Other Housing Employment
The Resident Assistant (RA) position is a student staff member who lives and works in a residence hall on campus. RAs are responsible for building community on their floor, providing resources to residents, developing programs, administrative tasks, attending staff meetings, and being on duty for their hall.
RAs are supervised by NCTA's Residence Life Manager. RA benefits include housing and meals each semester they are an RA.
NU Employee/Dependent Scholarships
Full-time and retired employees may be eligible for tuition assistance through the employee scholarship program. Spouses and dependent children may also be eligible. The scholarship is limited to no more than 15 credit hours in any 12-month academic year period. The dependent scholarship allows up to 15 credit hours to be transferred by an employee to one or more dependents in any 12 month academic year period.
This program is governed by the Board of Regents and administered by Human Resources. Visit our faculty and staff resources page for more information. Eligible employees can allocate scholarship benefits through Firefly.
VA Education Benefits
VA education benefits help military veterans, service members, and their qualified family members with needs like paying college tuition, finding the right school or training program, and getting career counseling. Visit the VA website to learn how to apply and manage benefits.
First Responder Pledge
The Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture is proud to partner with the State of Nebraska in supporting child dependents of Nebraska law enforcement officers and firefighters/firefighter-paramedics who are completing their associate degrees. Under the Nebraska First Responder Pledge, child dependents may be eligible for a waiver of 100% of their resident tuition charges (after other scholarships and grants) for pursuing an associates degree program.
This program is available to dependent children, for up to five years. A law enforcement officer, for the purposes of this program, is defined as any person who is responsible for the prevention or detection of crime or the enforcement of the penal, traffic or highway laws of the State of Nebraska or any political subdivision of the state for more than 100 hours per year and who is authorized by law to make arrests. A firefighter is a firefighter or firefighter-paramedic who is a member of a paid fire department of a municipality or a rural or suburban fire protection district in this state, including a municipality having a home rule charter or a municipal authority created pursuant to a home rule charter that has its own paid fire department, and for whom firefighting is a full-time career.
Student eligibility requirements include qualification as an in-state resident, maintaining full-time (minimum of 12 credit hours per semester) enrollment, maintaining a 2.0 cumulative GPA at NCTA and committing to staying in the State of Nebraska for five years post-graduation.
Contact the Financial Aid Office with any questions and to apply.
Nebraska In the Line of Duty Dependent Benefit
The In the Line of Duty Dependent Education Benefit was established by the State of Nebraska for children of law enforcement officers and firefighters killed in the line of duty. In order for a child to be eligible for the benefit, the law enforcement officer or firefighter must have incurred the fatal injury on or after April 23, 2009. The benefit is for children 25 or younger and the child must meet all admission requirements. The benefit is provided to full-time undergraduate students pursuing an associate's or bachelor's degree for up to five years. The benefits waive tuition and fees remaining after subtracting scholarships and grants. For more information and to apply, click on the Line of Duty Dependent Education Benefit application.