Personal Injuries on Campus

Student Injury Reporting

This information will be used by EHS (Environmental Health and Safety) to follow up on student injury/illnesses that may have resulted from an uncontrolled hazard. This reporting tool is intended only for students that do not have "employee" status and which have not filed for workers compensation benefits, as described in the EHS SOP, On the Job and Student Injuries.

Near Miss Report

EHS and the Chancellor's University Safety Committee encourages reporting of near-miss/close call incidents and potentially unsafe conditions (e.g., unsafe acts, equipment defect, etc.) in the workplace so that contributing factors can be identified and abated before they result in personal injury/illness or property damage.

Employee Injury Form

Use this information for reporting Employee injuries.

Training options for University Employees

Instructor-led and web-based training opportunities.


If you are injured on campus and need immediate assistance call 911.