Aggie Alumni Association
Thousands of young agriculturalists have graduated from our institution in Curtis, Nebraska. We invite any student or graduate to join the Aggie Alumni Association and participate in events, scholarship programs and financial support of your alma mater.
The existing UNSTA-NCTA Alumni Association represents all college alumni and encourages membership of all high school alumni of NSA and UNSA (1913-1968) as well.
The campus officially opened in September, 1913 as a regional high school and had two names during its 55-year history as a high school, and two names since becoming a college in 1965. These titles include:
- Nebraska School of Agriculture (NSA) 1913-1945
- University of Nebraska School of Agriculture (UNSA) 1946-1968
- University of Nebraska School of Technical Agriculture (UNSTA) 1965-1994
- University of Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture (NCTA) 1994-present

Officers and Board Member Charter Awards Annual Meeting Minutes
Questions? Contact Josi Arnold at or (308) 367-5200