Signature Generator

  1. Enter your My.UNL username (your login username) to start.
  2. Edit your information in the boxes on the right. Make sure mailto: is added before all email addresses and https:// is added before all web addresses. Reorder the boxes drag and drop, or use the arrow buttons.
  3. Click the “copy your signature” button and your signature will be automatically copied.
  4. Copy and paste the highlighted signature into the signature preferences in your mail client (i.e. Outlook, Mac Mail, etc.). Be mindful that many mail clients will reformat text pasted into them. Make sure your client is set to “Keep Source Formatting.”
Keep Source Formatting Example Screenshot.
“Keep Source Formatting” example (Outlook for Mac).

Signature Details


Drag and drop, or use the arrow buttons to reorder.

    This application is developed and maintained by Digital Experience Group. Please submit issues to