Veterinary Techology Online

On-Line Veterinary Technician Associate Degree

Beginning Fall 2025, NCTA will offer their Vet Tech program on-line to meet. This program is flexible and can fit into your busy schedule. You can complete this degree in as little as two years, taking courses 100% online! 

The NCTA on-line Vet Tech program models the same curriculum as our on-campus program. 

Completion of this degree will include:

  • 61 Credit Hours Online Vet Tech Courses
  • Transfer 13 Credit Hours of the following courses or transfer equivalents*
    • 3 Credit Hours Written Communication: Equivalent to ENG 1503 or ENG 1903
    • 3 Credit Hours Oral Communication: Equivalent to AED 1023, SPEC 1103 or SPC 1113
    • 3 Credit Hours Civic Engagement; Intercultural Knowledge & Competence: Equivalent to PSY 1103, PSY 2000, AGR 2823, ENG 2213, POL 1103
    • 4 Credit Hour Problem solving: Equivalent to ASI 1024, BIO 1104, BIO 1313 & 1321, CHM 1014, CHM 1024, CHM 1104, CHM 2104, VTS 1604
  • 150 essential skills while working with a Veterinary Clinic under the supervision of a LVT or Veterinarian. 
  • Successful completion of Exit Exam
  • Accumulative CGPA of 80%

If you want to learn more about NCTA's Vet-Tech program, email for more information

*Courses must transfer with 2.0 GPA.

Find out if you prefer online or on-campus classes! Visit campus to learn more about both options!

Ready to earn your degree online?

Vet Tech Students caring for their rabbit.