Alexes Kreikemeier of Omaha is thriving at NCTA on the Ranch Horse Team and the Women-in-Ag Club. She will use her Equine Industry Management degree in her future career in the livestock industry and working with horses.
The Aggies of Ag Month Wednesday, March 20, 2024

March 20, 2024

By Andela Taylor, NCTA News

Read The Aggies of Ag Month
Range management and animal science students and three faculty joined NCTA Dean Larry Gossen in participating in the University of Nebraska Gudmundsen Sandhills Laboratory Open House on August 24. Individuals are identified in the news article.  (Rulon Taylor / NCTA photo)
Enriching conversations on, off campus Wednesday, August 31, 2022

By NCTA Dean Larry Gossen, Ph.D.

Week #1 of the fall semester is in the books!

By now, the students at the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture are settled into their class schedules and residential accommodations here on campus or in the community.

Throughout the fall semester, one of our many goals is to provide educational experiences and enriching opportunities for students. We can do that on a small campus as we can be flexible in our planning.

Three unique opportunities occurred in week #1, and more are coming up later this week.

Read Enriching conversations on, off campus
NCTA Aggie rodeo starts Sept. 9-10 in River Falls, Wisconsin with six athletes traveling. Ellie Stohlmann runs barrels at the Buffalo Bill Arena last year. NCTA returns to North Platte on Sept. 16-17. (George Hipple Photography / NCTA Photo)
Aggies are elbow grease for GI rodeo Tuesday, August 30, 2022


High school athletes competing in a weekend rodeo in Grand Island on Labor Day will see the NCTA Aggies in the arena – this time as volunteers.

Ten students from the Aggie Rodeo Team of the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture in Curtis are earning team funds by helping put on the rodeo at the Nebraska State Fair.

“This is a new format for the State Fair rodeo,” explained Aggie Coach Jaden Clark.

Read Aggies are elbow grease for GI rodeo
Ellile Stohlmann is a student athlete and studies Agricultural Education at the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture. (Clark / NCTA photo)
Student athlete studies Agricultural Education Tuesday, April 19, 2022

By NCTA News

Ellie Stohlmann, a rodeo athlete at the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture in Curtis, has received a scholarship in memory of a fallen U.S. Marine who loved the sport of rodeo.

In March, the Hunter HD Hogan Foundation awarded the $1,000 scholarship to Stohlmann. She is a member of the NCTA Rodeo Team and competes in barrels and team roping.

The Ashland native is majoring in Agricultural Education at NCTA. In January 2023, she transfers her teaching program to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Read Student athlete studies Agricultural Education
The Aggie Rodeo Team from the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture has its final Spring rodeo in Lincoln, Nebraska May 6-7. (Photo by J.R. Clark / NCTA Rodeo)
Aggies prep for Spring rodeo at UNL Tuesday, April 19, 2022

UPDATED: April 27, 2022


Adverse weather forecasts for South Dakota postponed the April 22-23 Black Hills State University Rodeo for a week to April 29-30.

The Aggie Rodeo Team from the Nebraska College of Technical Agricultured will compete with four Aggie athletes, said Aggie Coach Jaden Clark.

Nathan Burnett of Shelton rides saddle broncs; Ellie Stohlmann of Ashland team ropes and races barrels, and Calli Bauer of Arcadia is in team roping and breakaway roping. Taylor Hendrix of Holyoke, Colorado will compete in barrel racing.

Read Aggies prep for Spring rodeo at UNL
 The Student Senate at the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture represents Aggie clubs, teams, and student organizations on campus. Representatives are selected by their peers. Sixteen Aggies are involved this week in a long-range planning session at NCTA. (Photo by Eric Reed / NCTA)
NCTA plans for students, growth Tuesday, March 1, 2022

NCTA Dean’s Message by Larry Gossen, Ph.D.

When I officially started my first day as the new dean of the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture on June 15, 2020, our nation’s higher education system faced great unknowns.

We knew, however, that NCTA at Curtis was the only campus in the University of Nebraska system operating with in-person classes that summer. Two dozen Veterinary Technician students and their instructors were ready for opening day, also on June 15.

Read NCTA plans for students, growth
Aggie Ellie Stohlmann competed in barrel racing at collegiate rodeos this fall including at the North Platte Stampede in September. (George Hipple photo for NCTA)
Aggie Rodeo Team ends fall season Monday, October 4, 2021

By NCTA News

Aggie Rodeo from the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture at Curtis completed its fall season in North Dakota.

Two Aggies competed in double rodeos at Fort Dickenson on Sept. 30 to Oct. 2.

Ellie Stohlmann of Ashland was in barrel racing.  Callie Bauer of Arcadia team roped. However, vigorous competition ended their fall season, said Aggie Coach Jaden Clark.

“We came up short in making it to the final short go, unfortunately,” Clark said. “Everyone had a safe and enjoyable weekend, at the least.”

Read Aggie Rodeo Team ends fall season
NCTA recruits with a hay bale at the Frontier County Fair in Stockville – with a 4-H rocketry project theme. (NCTA Photo / Gaylene Stinman)
Celebrating 4-H and our Aggies Monday, September 27, 2021

NCTA Dean’s Message by Larry Gossen, Ph.D.

Each week is a significant one at the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture. Our students are engaged in academics and campus activities which emphasize their interests in agriculture and veterinary technology.

This next week carries double significance as we observe National 4-H Week on Oct. 3 to 9.

In the midst of the observance is our first Discovery Day for prospective students on Tuesday, Oct. 5.

National 4-H Week

The theme for the 2021 4-H Week is “Find your Spark.”

Read Celebrating 4-H and our Aggies
NCTA Rodeo Coach Jaden Clark, at left, joins Celeste Tanguay, Nathan Burnett and Ellie Stohlmann prior to the Thursday night rodeo in North Platte. (George Hipple photo for NCTA)
Aggie Rodeo: Nebraska to Iowa Monday, September 20, 2021

By NCTA News

CURTIS, Neb. - The rodeo team from the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture at Curtis heads to Iowa this weekend.

NCTA Aggie athletes will compete at Iowa Central Community College in Fort Dodge on Friday and Saturday, Sept. 24-25.

Four Aggies entered a double set of rodeos in North Platte last weekend and came up short in the payout of the Mid-Plains Community College Stampede held at the Buffalo Bill Wild West Arena.

Read Aggie Rodeo: Nebraska to Iowa
NCTA Aggie Rodeo athletes warm up with a roping dummy at Mill Park in Curtis before riding horseback. The Aggies are hosting a 10-week Round Robin Team Roping series each Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. (Photo by Annie Bassett / NCTA News)
Aggie Rodeo Team to host Team Roping Series Friday, September 3, 2021

Season opens Sept. 10-11 at Wisconsin

By Mary Crawford, NCTA News

The NCTA Rodeo Team kicks off its Fall 2021 season Sept. 10-11 at River Falls, Wisconsin in collegiate competition hosted by the University of Wisconsin-River Falls.

Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture rodeo athletes also launch a new activity at home with the 2021 Round Robin Team Roping Series, to occur each Tuesday from Sept. 7 to Nov. 9.

Read Aggie Rodeo Team to host Team Roping Series