A group of UNL CUSP students took horticulture classes during agricultural skills development at the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture in Curtis. (Photo by David Munyaneza)
Agriculture skills for Rwandans Sunday, June 10, 2018

June 10, 2018

NCTA Dean’s Column by Ron Rosati, Ph.D.

The Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture has concluded its third week with nearly 50 students in the UNL CASNR Undergraduate Scholars Program.

Activities concluded on June 1.  We were sad to see our new friends return to Lincoln.

We’ve had a great time in Curtis and on campus conversing with the students, sharing Nebraska agriculture with them, and providing some outstanding basic skills and techniques for agricultural training.

Read Agriculture skills for Rwandans
Don Roth, NSA, '39, meets Joni Taylor Petersen, UNSTA, '87 at an alumni reception in Chadron. (NCTA Photo)
Connecting with Aggie friends Tuesday, May 29, 2018

May 28, 2018

NCTA Dean’s Column by Ron Rosati, Ph.D.

Alumni and students of the ag campus in Curtis are invited to the 2018 Aggie Alumni Association reunion on June 16-17.  The Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture will host alumni at campus with an evening banquet at the Curtis Memorial Community Center.

Our NCTA community enjoys a strong relationship with alumni who have attended the high school or college here at the agricultural campus.

Read Connecting with Aggie friends
Phi Theta Kappa academic honorary features Dean's List and Honor Roll students. The 2018-19 PTK officers, from left, are Peyton McCord, vice president; Dorothy Fulton, president; Baleigh Miller, student senate, and Kendra Marxsen, historian. Not pictured are Leighlynn Obermiller, secretary, and Shayla Woracek, student senate. All six were named to the NCTA Dean’s List or Honor Roll this spring. (Mary Crawford/NCTA Photo)
NCTA dean’s honor scholars named Monday, May 21, 2018

May 21, 2018

Read NCTA dean’s honor scholars named
Welcome to 50 students in the CASNR Undergraduate Scholars Program for a 3-week study of agricultural skills development at the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture in Curtis. (Photo by Tina Smith/NCTA)
Developing ag leaders Tuesday, May 15, 2018

May 15, 2018

NCTA Dean’s Column by Ron Rosati, Ph.D.

The Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture and the Curtis community have a group of special visitors on campus this month.

We welcomed 50 young men and women from the country of Rwanda to our campus for three weeks of intensive course work on agricultural skills development.

Read Developing ag leaders
Nebraska ag producer and state senator Dan Hughes advised NCTA graduates to walk through the doors opened by education and industry involvement. (Crawford / NCTA photo)
Education opens doors Monday, May 7, 2018

May 7, 2018

NCTA Dean’s Column by Ron Rosati, Ph.D.                                                    

Read Education opens doors
NCTA students installed in PTK are, front row, Brooke Bennett, Sadie Christensen, Colbey Luebbe, Paige Twohig, and Shayla Woracek. Middle row, Peyton McCord, Dorothy Fulton, Bridget Jackson, Baleigh Miller, and Kendra Marxsen. Third row, Lee Jespersen, Jesse Orr, Trevin Likens and Scott Smith. (Mary Crawford/NCTA Photo)
NCTA inducts 22 to Phi Theta Kappa Wednesday, May 2, 2018

May 2, 2018

By Mary Crawford, NCTA News                                                         

CURTIS, Neb. – Twenty two students were inducted Wednesday as new members into the Alpha Iota Tau Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa honor society at  Curtis.

Read NCTA inducts 22 to Phi Theta Kappa
Class of '17 Veterinary Technology graduates of the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture in Curtis were well prepared for their new careers in animal health. (NCTA photo)
NCTA salutes Class of 2018 Tuesday, May 1, 2018

May 1, 2018

NCTA Dean’s Column by Ron Rosati, Ph.D.                           

Congratulations to our Class of 2018 graduates at the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture!

Read NCTA salutes Class of 2018
 NCTA Student Ambassadors, front row, l-r: Sadie Christensen, Morgan Lease, Paige Twohig, Colbey Luebbe, Adrianna Boland, Casey Podsobinski, and Karlee Johnson. Second row: Rebekah Daniels, Clare Smith, Trisha Fox, Brooke Galles, Alyssa Novak, Carly Wade, Alexis Malmkar, and Tina Smith, admissions coordinator. Back row: Will Kusant, Kimberly Snelling, Haley Farr, Chantelle Schulz, Katharine Schudel, Damian Wellman, and Linda Cole, tour coordinator. Not pictured, Katrina Clay. (Brent Thomas /NCTA News photo)
NCTA ambassadors of agriculture Monday, April 30, 2018

April 30, 2018                                                                    

By Mary Crawford, NCTA News

Tours at the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture in Curtis are far from boring.

Read NCTA ambassadors of agriculture
NCTA students Trevin Likens and Samantha Lau, at left, and Melissa Ward, right, met worldwide entrepreneur Jeff Hoffman. (Photo by Laura Rody)
Students mean business Wednesday, April 25, 2018

April 25, 2018

By Mary Crawford, NCTA News

When tech entrepreneur Jeff Hoffman, who is also interested in agriculture, had a chance to share business ideas with college students, they were all ears.

Four students taking an entrepreneurship course at the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture in Curtis participated at the 7th Midwest Entrepreneurship Conference in Omaha.

Read Students mean business
Catherine Ljunggren, an NCTA student from Harvard, at right, studies a plant for crops judging. (Mary Pat Hoag photo)
Salute to a great year Tuesday, April 24, 2018

April 24, 2018

NCTA Dean’s Column by Ron Rosati, Ph.D.

 This final week of April brings the 2017-2018 academic year to a close for the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture. And what a year it has been!

We have been fortunate to have another group of enthusiastic Aggie students on campus this spring, with highly dedicated faculty leading their academics.

A stellar support staff in all areas of campus function keeps us on track and operating smoothly in classrooms, residence halls, food services, facilities, business offices, and student services.

Read Salute to a great year