Heifer Link Supports Student Monday, August 7, 2023
By Andela Taylor, NCTA News
The NCTA Heifer Link initiative was launched at the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture in January 2015 as an integral part of the Ownership Advantage Program. With Heifer Link's introduction, students are given a unique chance to receive a bred heifer during their fourth semester.
This year, Hadley Sayer of Wallace took advantage of this opportunity to support his goal of expanding his operation raising purebred show cattle in Nebraska.
Read Heifer Link Supports StudentNCTA Arboretum Walking Tour Tuesday, August 1, 2023
Are you looking for an adventure to one of Nebraska’s hidden treasures? If so, NCTA has created one, just for you!
Read NCTA Arboretum Walking TourAg Teachers in High Demand Wednesday, July 26, 2023
By Dean Larry Gossen, Ph.D.
It's hard to believe we are already in the last week of July! I'm not sure where the summer has gone. As we near the end of the summer here at NCTA, I take a moment to reflect on some of the events we have hosted on campus.
Read Ag Teachers in High DemandSomething Old, Something New Thursday, July 20, 2023
July 19, 2023
Something Old, Something New
By Dr. Larry Gossen, Ph.D.
Celebrating with the alums of every era—NSA, UNSA, UNSTA, NCTA—at the recent Aggie Alumni Day was a generation-bridging event. The impact of the education received, friendships, and memories made was brought to the forefront by an NCTA ’23 Agribusiness graduate intern, Nathaly Dragoo, with a newly created video on the school's history here in Curtis.
Read Something Old, Something NewRural Fellow, Maryam Sule at NCTA Monday, July 17, 2023
By Andela Taylor/NCTA news
Curtis, [July 14, 2023] - Maryam Sule, a Rural Fellow from Bellevue, Nebraska, has experienced small-town summer living at the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture (NCTA) in Curtis, Nebraska. Maryam will be a sophomore chemical engineering student at UNL in the fall.
Part of the Rural Prosperity Nebraska outreach programs since 2013, the Rural Fellowships connect college students with rural Nebraska communities as part of a collaborative service-learning experience.
Read Rural Fellow, Maryam Sule at NCTANCTA, UNL collaborate with industry to boost training for meat processing sector Wednesday, July 12, 2023
July 12, 2023
Geitner Simmons, IANR Media
The Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture has received a $644,489 grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to provide a targeted curriculum to train potential and current employees for the Nebraska meat processing industry. NCTA is partnering with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Department of Animal Science in developing the curriculum in close consultation with private industry.
Read NCTA, UNL collaborate with industry to boost training for meat processing sectorNew Era for Meat Processing Wednesday, July 12, 2023
By Dean Larry Gossen, Ph.D.
Many of you may remember the era when every town had a "locker plant" where the local beef and swine producers took their animals for processing. Families rented frozen storage lockers to preserve their annual meat supply, and these plants supplied the local grocery markets or had a butcher shop.
Read New Era for Meat ProcessingIt's All About the People Monday, July 10, 2023
By Dean Larry Gossen, Ph.D.
I'm not sure how many times I've heard either Governor Pillen or former Governor Ricketts say that the best thing about Nebraska is the people. Each time I heard that, I had to agree that to be the case for me. In my years of experience working for the National FFA Organization, I had many opportunities to work with Nebraskans, either at the university, with agriculture teachers, state department of education, or state FFA staff. I can honestly say those engagements were positive.
Read It's All About the PeopleDr. Gossen 45 Years Thursday, July 6, 2023
Nebraska Ag Education Recognizes Dr. Larry Gossen for 45 Years of Service
Read Dr. Gossen 45 YearsNew Residence Life Manager Thursday, June 22, 2023
By NCTA News
Nathan Nicklas, the newly appointed Residence Life Manager at NCTA, brings with him a wealth of experience and a deep connection to the Curtis community. Born in Lincoln, NE, Nathan's parents served as missionaries in Belgium during his early childhood, giving him the opportunity to live in Europe. However, most of his formative years were spent in Curtis, where his father has been a pastor for the past 14 years.
Read New Residence Life Manager