Veterinary Technology students bring horses in from pasture for a summer class in June 2020. (Chrissy Barnhart / NCTA photo)
NCTA in 2020 – Part 1 Saturday, January 16, 2021

NCTA Dean’s Message by Larry Gossen, Ph.D.

We are fortunate to be back on campus again this semester with in-person classes and full programming at the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture.

Most everyone is healthy and back to work in classrooms and offices, and for that we are thankful.

Due to our unique programs and small size of campus population, our NCTA academic calendar is slightly different than some of our University of Nebraska counterparts.

Read NCTA in 2020 – Part 1
Professor Mary Rittenhouse assists with registration at the COVID-19 screening in January. (Gossen / NCTA Photo)
Starting anew in 2021 Tuesday, January 12, 2021

NCTA Dean’s Message by Larry Gossen, Ph.D.

Welcome to NCTA’s Spring Semester, and an active college campus again.

It certainly was quiet around town and desolate on campus while Aggie students were home for holiday break.

We welcomed them back to Curtis and the Nebraska College Technical Agriculture with a continued emphasis on health and safety. Over the holidays, I had notified students that their very first test of the new semester would be one taken outside of their academic coursework.

Read Starting anew in 2021
NCTA faculty and staff gathered in person for New Semester Orientation in Fall, 2019, before COVID-19.  Now, in 2020-21, groups are required to physically distance or conduct sessions virtually. Dr. Kelly Bruns (front row, second from left) served as interim dean at NCTA when this photo was taken. (NCTA file photo)
Happy New Year from NCTA's campus Saturday, January 9, 2021

NCTA Dean’s Message by Larry Gossen, Ph.D.

We are starting the new year of 2021 with renewed energies and a fresh perspective for what is ahead this semester at the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture.

The holiday break was just what we all needed to allow us time with families, friends and loved ones.

Read Happy New Year from NCTA's campus
NCTA Associate Professor Barb Berg in a veterinary technology class in February, before colleges instituted COVID-19 protocols. The NCTA Vet Tech facility is unique with an auditorium which enables students to observe surgeries. None were occurring during this lecture. (Crawford / NCTA News photo)
Holiday blessings in 2020 Monday, December 21, 2020

Dec. 21, 2020

NCTA Dean’s Message by Larry Gossen, Ph.D.

This fall semester has been a mixture of challenges and blessings for the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture and our Aggie students.

We successfully navigated COVID-19 and still were able to have in-person classes at the Curtis campus.  While some in our campus community faced health circumstances during the semester, we all are thankful for their recovery.

Read Holiday blessings in 2020
Aggies join NCTA Dean Larry Gossen (standing center) in representing students, staff and campus organizations on a sunny day in early September. Gossen this week announced academic honors for the 2020 fall semester. (Crawford / NCTA News photo)
NCTA names Fall 2020 Deans List, Honor Roll Thursday, December 17, 2020

By NCTA News

Academic honors for 48 Aggie students at the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture were announced Wednesday for the fall semester which featured 16 weeks of in-person classes at the campus in Curtis.

“I am proud of these students making the Deans’ List and Honor Roll during a challenging time of their college journey,” said NCTA Dean Larry Gossen.

“The ability for NCTA to conduct in-person classes on campus with extensive hands-on learning was advantageous to all of our students and their instructors,” Gossen added.

Read NCTA names Fall 2020 Deans List, Honor Roll
NCTA Dean Larry Gossen, Ph.D.
Dean's Message: To a healthy 2021 Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Dec. 16, 2020

NCTA Dean’s Message by Larry Gossen, Ph.D.

We have successfully completed the fall semester at the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture thanks to the dedication and commitment of everyone on campus.

As we look forward to resuming classes in January, the ability to enjoy our in-person experience is all predicated on the expectation that our campus and community remain COVID-free.

Read Dean's Message: To a healthy 2021
NCTA Student Ambassadors gathered early this fall outside the Welcome Center. They provide tours and assist with recruiting activities such as Discovery Days. Back row, from left, Lilly Calkins, Luci Overweg, Clayton Hassett, Kenna Graves, Clayton Runkle, Nicole Wright and Melody MacDonald.  Front row, Gillian Brinker, Macy Zentner, Lauren Nichols, Megan Rudy and Alexis Digrigoli. (Bassett / NCTA News photo)
To health and Aggie success Tuesday, December 8, 2020

NCTA Dean’s Message by Larry Gossen, Ph.D.

In our first semester together at the NCTA campus we’ve seen successes all around. Bravo to our Aggie students, staff members and faculty!

When I joined the administration at the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture in Curtis as the new dean in mid-June, it was with enthusiasm for education and determination to navigate with others the unknowns presented by COVID-19.

Read To health and Aggie success
Ashley Connell, native of Newport, Nebraska, specializes in equine health. (Crawford / NCTA News)
Meet Ashley Connell, NCTA Student Spotlight Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Dec. 10, 2020

By NCTA News Weekly

A native of Newport, Nebraska, NCTA Resident Assistant in 2019-2020 and veterinary technology major is our final Aggie Student Spotlight for the year. Ashley Connell currently is the foaling manager of an equine ranch in South Dakota. 

Where did you attend high school?

I went to high school at Keya Paha County High School in Springview, Nebraska

What prompted you to attend NCTA

Read Meet Ashley Connell, NCTA Student Spotlight
Hallee McKenna and Tyler Peterson, NCTA sophomores, are Castle Scholarship recipients. (Bassett / NCTA
Castle Scholarships to two Aggies Wednesday, December 9, 2020

By NCTA News

Two Aggies are heading into the final semester of their academic careers at the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture with scholarships from a Colorado family.

Hallee McKenna of Selden, Kansas and Tyler Peterson of Gothenburg, Nebraska were named in June 2020 as recipients of Chandie Castle Memorial Scholarships.

The two Aggies finish their fall semester this week as NCTA students take a one-month holiday break.  They will resume classes on January 11.

Read Castle Scholarships to two Aggies
Kevin Martin, a man of many duties, is the final NCTA Staff Spotlight of the fall semester. (Crawford / NCTA News)
NCTA Staff Spotlight - Kevin Martin Tuesday, December 8, 2020

By Malina Lindstrom, student writer

Meet Kevin Martin, NCTA Staff Spotlight

A cornerstone of the Aggie Campus, Kevin Martin was a fitting choice for the final NCTA Staff Spotlight of the fall semester. Read more to learn about his role on campus and favorite pastimes.  

What are your roles and duties within the Aggie community?

Read NCTA Staff Spotlight - Kevin Martin