NCTA Collegiate Farm Bureau students attending the Young Farmer and Rancher banquet included, from left, Andrea Burkhardt, Winnetoon; Rachel Dather, Verdigre; Maggie Brunmeier, and Ty Dickey, Bayard; Emilye Vales, DeWitt; Will Kusant, Comstock; Eleanor Aufdenkamp, and Dalon Koubek, North Platte. Jayde Hessler, Gibbon was not available for the photo. (NCTA Photo)
NCTA Aggies attend Young Farmer & Rancher forum Tuesday, January 24, 2017

January 24, 2017

Read NCTA Aggies attend Young Farmer & Rancher forum
Justin Jarecke, APS '95, honors Animal Science Professor Jo Bek with a Legacy Tile at the 2016 alumni banquet.
Curtis Aggies alumni weekend is June 24 Monday, January 23, 2017

January 23, 2017

By NCTA News Service                                                                                   

Read Curtis Aggies alumni weekend is June 24
Maggie Brunmeier
Bayard student is NCTA Aggie of the Month Friday, January 20, 2017

January 20, 2017

By NCTA News Service                                                                      

Read Bayard student is NCTA Aggie of the Month
Agricultural Business Management will host "Transitioning to the Future" on February 15 at NCTA. (Crawford/NCTA photo).
Ag Business Forum is Feb. 15 at NCTA Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Jan. 18, 2017                                                       

Read Ag Business Forum is Feb. 15 at NCTA
Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture livestock judging team members, from left, are Eleanor Aufdenkamp, North Platte; Braden Wilke, Columbus; and Emilye Vales, DeWitt. Vales placed 11th and Aufdenkamp tied for 12th in the National Western Livestock Show and Collegiate Judging contest. (Hinrichs/NCTA Courtesy Photo)
NCTA Livestock Team judges at National Western Wednesday, January 18, 2017

By NCTA News Service                                               

Denver, Colo. – The sophomore livestock judging team from the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture in Curtis garnered 11th and 12th places in the 2017 season opener.

Read NCTA Livestock Team judges at National Western
The Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture at Curtis announced the 2016 Dean’s List and Honor Roll for the fall semester.  Students who graduated from NCTA’s Veterinary Technology Division are shown here at the 2016 commencement. The graduates are now working as veterinary technicians, furthering their education in four-year degree programs, or employed in various capacities in agricultural production or animal health. (NCTA file photo)
NCTA names Dean’s Awards, Honor Roll Thursday, January 12, 2017

January 12, 2017

By NCTA News Service

The Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture at Curtis announced academic honors for the fall semester of 2016 with 68 students recognized by NCTA Dean Ron Rosati.

Six Aggies were named to the Dean’s List with a 4.00 grade point average and 62 students were named to the Dean’s Honor Roll with 3.50-3.99 GPA, said Dean Rosati.

Students must be fulltime enrollees, with at least 12 credit hours for the semester to be eligible for this designation.

Read NCTA names Dean’s Awards, Honor Roll
Mark Poeschel will speak January 10 at NCTA. The public is invited for the 7 p.m. telecast at the Education Center.
NCTA to host “Feed the World” forum on Jan. 10 Wednesday, January 4, 2017

January 4, 2017

Curtis, Neb. – Mark Poeschel, Nebraska State FFA President from 1978-79, will be featured at a public forum discussing “Leadership and Sustainability: The Balancing Act to Feed the World” on January 10 at the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture.

Poeschl’s presentation at 7 p.m. will kick off the 2017 season of the University of Nebraska Heuermann Lecture Series which is held at Nebraska Innovation Campus in Lincoln and telecast at the NCTA Nebraska Agriculture Industry Education Center.

Read NCTA to host “Feed the World” forum on Jan. 10
Students at the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture can now study dairy science  at Curtis and at the South Dakota State University dairy program at Brookings. (SDSU photo)
NCTA, SDSU partner for Aggie dairy degree Wednesday, December 21, 2016

December 21, 2016

Read NCTA, SDSU partner for Aggie dairy degree
NCTA Aggie Ranch Horse Team members at the Region 5 Championships of the American Stock Horse Association included, from left, Morgan Schrank, Canton, S.D.; Rio McGinley, Oshkosh;  Drake Johnson, Thurston; Makayla Forsythe, Garland; Kaitlyn Thesenvitz, Wood River;  Hanna Christenson, Burwell; Jessa Lemon, Curtis;  and Brooklyn Becker, Beaver City. They were assisted by (not pictured) Carly Wade of Monroe, Maine; Shane Hoer, Blair, and Whitney Hall, Alliance. (NCTA Ranch Horse photo)
NCTA Ranch Horse Team competes at Regional Championships Tuesday, December 6, 2016

By NCTA News Service

Loveland, Colo. – Horses and riders of the NCTA Ranch Horse Team ended their fall season over the weekend with eight competitive riders in the American Stock Horse Association Region 5 Championships at Loveland, Colo.

The Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture team put in a great showing, with all riders and horses topping their season’s work and several taking overall honors in their divisions, said Aggie Coach Joanna Hergenreder.

Read NCTA Ranch Horse Team competes at Regional Championships
Coach Alan Taylor (far left) with the officers of the NCTA Aggie Trap Club include, Rilee VanDonge, Holton, Kan., president; Stetson Youel, Hay Springs, treasurer; and Trevor Kuhn, Omaha, vice president. (C.Tilford/NCTA News photo)
Top shots to take home the bacon Dec. 3 Friday, November 25, 2016

Nov. 25, 2016

By NCTA News

 Aggie students in Curtis know how to keep their eyes on the prize.

The Aggie Trap Club at the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture in Curtis will hand out some pork at the “Bring Home the Bacon Trap and 5-Stand Shoot” on Dec. 3.

All sports enthusiasts are invited to join in the fun match at the Curtis Gun Club, says Rilee VanDonge, NCTA trap club president.

Read Top shots to take home the bacon Dec. 3